Anonymous ID: 66db69 Dec. 10, 2018, 8:54 p.m. No.4251678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1694 >>1828 >>1912

Early on, months and months ago, Q said, "No one who plays the game, gets 'a pass,' nobody." (Or words to that effect.) What Q alluded to, and I picked up on is that even journalists (so called) with their precious 1st Amendment protection that they always like to trot out can still have criminal liability for their illegal actions!


Here's one way, as Twatted by Michael Flynn's brother, Joseph:


Joseph J. Flynn




David Ignatius, another smug elitist leftie journo from WAPO has the audacity to condescendingly opine on


as if he knows him personally. Guess what,

@IgnatiusPost.he doesn't know you and could give two shits about your opinion. What we do know is that you are

5:54 AM · Dec 7, 2018 · Twitter Web Client

Joseph J. Flynn @JosephJFlynn1


Replying to @JosephJFlynn1


Joseph J. Flynn



an accomplice to a crime, that of unmasking and leaking the private comms of a US citizen. There is ample evidence that you were willfully involved in this crime along with your friends in the Obama Admin ( RIce, Brennan, Clapper and others). Call it journalism,? We call

5:54 AM · Dec 7, 2018 · Twitter Web Client


Joseph J. Flynn




it sedition against a duly elected President and his incoming National Security Advisor. Never know when YOU may be called to testify under oath about who leaked this information.. don't underestimate the Shanty Irish, we have long memories….

@BarbaraRedgate @realDonaldTrump

5:54 AM · Dec 7, 2018 · Twitter Web Client

Anonymous ID: 66db69 Dec. 10, 2018, 9:26 p.m. No.4252042   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Too fucking hilarious! Jim Acosta iof CNN is at it, again!


Says that Trump is concerned about impeachment, once the DemonRat controlled House takes over next year.


Sauce: http://