Mom…. MOM…. MOOOOOM….. .. turn that thing off
the planet is trying to sleep…
I agree.. he did name his board Patriots Fight..
I can be in DC before the sun come up if a frew thousand others want to join in !!!!
isnt that what he is telling us with all the public Qanon pictures. we need to force the question. But one person cant do it alone
or can he?
Any DC anon's here?
If one would to go and hang out in a public place with a giant Qanon sign .. what would be the best place to go?
in front of the whitehouse
thanks. now I need a big ass sign….
secret service would remove me right?
it has to be legal. its a shit plan if just one anon gets locked up for being an ass.
standing in a public space bringing attention to a movement that is very much peaceful does not have to be violent. something as simple as walking around with a sign for a few days by myself would be seen by thousands. It just has to draw attention to be effective. I feel we should of done this months ago when the weather was warm.. I see no harm in trying to make the world ask who Qanon is..
am I wrong? Q sure posts and draws attention to every Public Q sighting out there.. lets give this movement a boost.