Any chance Maria Orsic is sitting up in space with a big fleet of Aliens just waiting to get in on the action down here?
I for one think she is up there chilling.
Any chance Maria Orsic is sitting up in space with a big fleet of Aliens just waiting to get in on the action down here?
I for one think she is up there chilling.
Mkultra Satanist victim and took the fall for Podesta and others?
This is a great question. I read a book called when God was a woman that kind of implied the Masons are wearing dresses and bibs because everyone worshiped a female Goddess and only women were priestesses. But slowly males took those roles but dressed up like the women priestesses.
I think the satanist have done a real number on us.
The women might be the top. Livy mentions a female cult that doing satanic shit 200 years before christ. Seems it was a huge deal and 7000 people got arrested and he says more were executed than imprissoned.
I think it is the same group.
You watch the Jay Z video where two guys fight over one woman and then women all sit around a table and talk politics like they are ruling us? I think that is a hint of what the plan of the European Satanist planned.
I think the Jew Satanist planned to have kids by artificial means. Kill all the women and sit around watching machines work and masturbating each other off.
Fucking retards. All of them.
You know the Jooz are raping this one on a regular basis. When I saw them making her and two of her co actors up on stage before some award show just dancing. As the pre award entertainment just watching three 12 year old kids dancing. And not that well either. I knew they were getting fucked. The dancing was so some super Jew would get hot for them and put in a call for some ass.
Can you link the Walsingham thing? I have never heard of him.
Check out the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. I would ask you listen to the whole thing no matter the length. At the end he talks about the Brotherhood of darkness and the brotherhood of light. Always having been there fighting each other. For ever.
You should check this out because it is weird but oddly matches your thoughts.