From last bread
The UK girl stabbed to death. Of course sorry for the loss of life but prob one of those refugees welcome. The problem is muslim religion prohibits alcohol thats why they are often very often drug addicts
From last bread
The UK girl stabbed to death. Of course sorry for the loss of life but prob one of those refugees welcome. The problem is muslim religion prohibits alcohol thats why they are often very often drug addicts
Marakech meeting
One example
There is a lot to dig there, imho
If you read marakech documents, several things come to mind
1) not legally binding
2) countries like Burundi, Ghana, etc basically are sayn we cant improve quality of life, you are rich, deal with that
3) idiots like Canada, migration is human right, smugglers should not benefit, blah, blah
4) spain is sayn we need workers, we can benefit cuz they create GDP when come, BS (my comment)
5) big pharma?!?!? ( why are they even speaking) said we need skilled workers, we dont have enough skilled workers( my comment: you will not get them amoung migrants)
Its a shitshow but well represented to push GLOBALIZATION
The funny thing to add
Parents cannot get any info on their child attendance or performance or any financial statements without students permission
You pay but you have no say
Auction place
It was all JA can do
I dont think it was by design
Remember he said Killary will go down if people read carefully
Me still thinks October surprise was prevented from coming out
Me thinks pizza was a preview
Also gucifers letter with killary being a higher priestess
Oh well how do we know
Not so fast
They dont know how much we know
The day before pedosta started there was a shill here pretending to be a newfag asking about SR
My question was why they were even invited to UN conference on migration. Where mostly high level officials speak.
Also what they said has no sense. They were talking about skilled workers. I just smell fuckery already in why they were invited. Why they went and what they advocate is for $$$ for sure
We had it already