I can't wait for the day when there are no shills because there's nothing left to shill about!
Good Morning Frens!
I can't wait for the day when there are no shills because there's nothing left to shill about!
Good Morning Frens!
People start cheating on their resolutions
this is happening right now! I can feel it in my plums!
ill be keeping an eye on it all day workfagging. Theres another earthquake geek there too, eyes on anon
oh yes, the past two years will come to light and show how much has really been done. Id hazard a guess and say most of the people like Sessions resigning is because theyve worked their asses off and are done their part already
My first wife was tarded. Shes a pilot now!
i think shes terrified and shitting bricks. Must be a nervous wreck. France is right next door and she can tell things are happening
it isnt easy, its expensive. just like surgeons, they do one thing and one thing very well but be quite odd people. Theyre autists!
Its my favourite movie of all time! Its spot on with where I saw the world going. Mike Judge is a based Patriot