>The Department of Justice is requesting that the justification of an FBI raid on a reportedly recognized whistleblower’s home remain secret
Of course they do.
The don't want the world to know just yet that they were protecting him from Arkancide.
>The Department of Justice is requesting that the justification of an FBI raid on a reportedly recognized whistleblower’s home remain secret
Of course they do.
The don't want the world to know just yet that they were protecting him from Arkancide.
What a surprise!
Just look at all the other notables in their previous awards Hitler, Kruschev, Stalin, Ayotolla Khomeini …
Jokers to the left of me
Swiss people are from Switzerland, Swedish people are from Sweden;
Geography not your strong point?
Why does Hildabeest keep going to India?
Doesn't she know the US has an extradition treaty with them courtesy of her husband?
Yeah, can't imagine too many under tens wanting the job.
If you truly believe this then there is no hope for you.
You know the the drill - KYS now and save oxygen!
>No. It was studied without any desire to learn
I think most here would be on the same page as I when I state that 99.9% of my education has been outside the formal educational square box.
>If this is so why the sudden amnesia last week?
Because he can't publicly discuss ongoing investigations.
It really pained me to admit that he is /ourguy/ months ago.
>There is a lot more with India, what, I don’t know.
Could it be, as anon suggested, because of the children?
Massive disappearance of kids there, especially the girls!
And you know that those in the North only want to keep their ties to England as they were initially English invaders gifted the land.
A quote from Brazil seems appropriate.