Hire Mexicans to build the wall.
We can get it built cheaply
They get money!
We get cheaper wall!
Did I just come up with a WIN WIN ideal?
Hire Mexicans to build the wall.
We can get it built cheaply
They get money!
We get cheaper wall!
Did I just come up with a WIN WIN ideal?
Pay Mexican Contractors to Build The Wall
Half The Cost
Suddenly they will have money for an infrastructure project.
And frankly they'll have people to actually hire and do the work.
Because if you own a small business like I do.
Finding people to hireโฆ..holy shitballs impossible.
This creates one of the biggest WIN WIN solutions in history of world.
Mr. Miller
Haven't you got better things to do than post your "I smolder" pics?
Please focus on matters at hand.
Thank You
Highest Ranking Anon
Take a couple guesses on who posts those.
Usually he stops once we threaten to write a letter to Q about it.
What's Choking Small Business Out?
Labor Shortage!
finding smart workers
finding workers not on dope
finding someone willing to work not someone to sit on their ass all day and call that a job
finding anyone that knows what the hell a day's work looks like. HA!
Frankly our food supply is in great jeopardy if we can't get a streamlined system in place to bring workers in.
US Citizens WILL NOT PICK ANY FUCKING THING up except for a free check at the unemployment office because it pays better to be on welfare.
I welcome logical rebutal
Yeah, he's Pentecostal yet worked at the Clinton Foundation?
That bothers me a little.
But hey, nobody's perfect. Can't say I wouldn't have passed up the job. Well yes I would.
But none the less we pray for Nate Cain