Slow anon here…. ne ed a lil help from my frens
So… POTUS/Pelosi/Schumer met with POTUS re wall funding. Pelosi begs not to say stuff in from of media, so POTUS, although he planned no media, at the last minute lets in the press. Pelosi/Schumer put off guard. Do I got it?
Next issue is shutting down the govt if Dems won't fund the wall. We know wall will be built either way, but is POTUS wanting a shutdown to arrest bad congress? Or does Pelosi/Schumer realize arrests are possible during a shutdown and are feeling forced to cave into POTUS request for wall funding?
Does this all go back to the midterms winning the house? If arrests are made, Dems lose the house (assuming here, since POTUS already got rid of the bad REPs) ?
Does POTUS want a shutdown? He gets the wall either way.
IMO: POTUS isn't in any hurry to arrest bad actors in Congress. I think the plan is to have ((THEM)) afraid to walk down the street, returning the power to WE THE PEOPLE… but perhaps this doesn't make sense b/c WE THE PEOPLE have no authority to arrest bad actors. We could impeach them, but the voters want justice. Hmmmmm…. future will prove past.