Why are we talking about military tribunals all suddenly?
High ranking citizens?
Does this scare ds/shills?
Newbies, inform the Normies.
Why are we talking about military tribunals all suddenly?
High ranking citizens?
Does this scare ds/shills?
Newbies, inform the Normies.
nancy talking at 11:50.
Nancy, we need border security.
What's wrong with ND and Indiana, Schummer?
Why did Graham bring it up with Kav?
This would make sense. When did
Graham talk to Kav about military tribunals?
Now, Trump twts, article out dec10.
When will it be brought up again?
How many know?
Less than _ .
When will Kav's vote matter?
What events upcoming will require good SC?
Would this be possible with old SC?
Who picked those judges?