Ok, I get prezivio = survivor
Komentari = comment
kojem = which
doletio = flown
He's definitely saying something in Bosnian
Ok, I get prezivio = survivor
Komentari = comment
kojem = which
doletio = flown
He's definitely saying something in Bosnian
I'm pretty sure you're right. I don't speak Bosnian, but my attempts in Google translate, show that there's something in there in Bosnian. Some of the numbers may sub for letters. 3=E, 4=A?
preživio ljet = he survived the summer.
preživio ljet zvg t komentariz na gi a kojem va doletio iz tev =
He survived the summer sound and commented on the gi that you got from the tweet
…and commented on … that you got from the tweet
Yeah, work in progress, but there's something there.