>>4261537 pb
No, I think it is mainly just that. I think you're overestimating how long it takes to tell a large number of people, "You're fired. Clear out your desk." The problem is that, when you do fire those people, whoever controls the means to contextualize events will portray it and you in a light that suits them. There's a reason the first thing you do in a revolution is seize the communications infrastructure, as the Jews did slowly as they took over this nation. Keep in mind the ADL was formed in response to a rightful judgement against a single Jew. Do you really think you could arrest all of these Jews and their servants, or even fire them, in the nation the Jews control most and Jewish control most depends on, without a global response from Jewry? In every nation the Jew is lying to people through their media, whispering poison in their ears, while holding a hidden knife to the throat of their leaders, if those leaders aren't outright puppets. In many nations it is illegal to speak against them – under the term "hate speech" – or question one of the larger of their lies – which everyone on this board should know by now, though they don't.
Keep in mind also that there were two prevailing media narratives against the President from very early on – both baseless slanders that showed their hand. The first, that he is an agent of Russia. The second, that he is an antisemite. The purpose of these is to poison the well against, and to preemptively contextualize in a negative light, the necessary actions to secure the sovereignty of our Free State: alliance with another nation not entirely subordinate to world Jewry should they attempt to incite another World War against Awakened enemies, and "draining the swamp", respectively.
There is a reason that the Jew shows his desperation here, on this board, this means to bypass Jewish controlled lines of communication, again and again. There is a reason why the Jew begs Man to filter all uses and variants of the word 'Jew', though he himself has not filtered it as he must respond to it, and portray it as 'shilling', before it spreads. There's a reason why he tries to outgroup it as 'shilling' and 'clowns'. Why he tries to ridicule it away with his diminutive term 'joo'. Why his "Current Shills On Duty" image has, for some mysterious reason, separated "muhjoo" shilling from "divisionfagging", but then elsewhere he will innocently conflate the two, such as when quoting Q saying, "They want you divided." Both willful divider and injured by divison, as it suits him. Divided today, divider tomorrow. White today, Jew tomorrow. Patriot today, Jew tomorrow. His focus is entirely on the self-preservation of Jews, here called the "the Cabal", but he is a ceaseless liar and will wear the mask that suits him. The silver lining, I suppose, is that the Patriots here do get to experience the character of the Jew, his treason and subversion first-hand.
Consider how effective they've been at turning people away from noticing Jewish control, even here where men may speak freely. How many men have been swayed by pulled heartstrings to look away, to filter, to learn nothing of the Jews or their lies in his few spare moments here, brought by his patriotism and, for some reason, made unwitting bedfellows to the distasteful antisemites. Now consider how effective the Jew will be in mobilizing the Mass Media of Nations where their opponents are actively prohibited from speaking against them under penalty of Law.
Will there be arrests before the whole world awakens to the Jew? There may be, and I hope that there are, but rest assured that there will be arrests once the world is awake. Perhaps sooner, but at least then. If the man I first responded to wishes to hasten them, he would do well to learn all that he can of the Jew and speak it to whomever will listen. Pursuant to the laws of his local jurisdiction, of course.