A Story of Massive Democrat Voter Fraud
My adopted home state of Nevada just went all blue. Nevada offers lessons for the entire national GOP for what happens when you allow illegal aliens to vote in your state.
There is no election integrity in Nevada. That’s a nice way of saying I believe voter fraud is rampant.
Problem #1. Illegal aliens legally get driver’s licenses in Nevada.
Problem #2. Anyone can register to vote at DMV without proving citizenship.
You think maybe that powerful one-two combination might lead to illegal aliens voting in large numbers?
I had a conversation recently with Bill Cunningham, conservative talk radio superstar and one of my heroes.
Bill pinpointed one of the big reasons the Ohio GOP swept virtually every office up and down the ballot in November’s midterm election, while the Nevada GOP lost virtually every race up and down the ballot.
One obvious answer was conservative talk radio. The GOP candidates in Ohio embraced it, while the Nevada GOP candidates ignored it.
In Ohio, the GOP candidates were not only guests nonstop on Bill’s popular show, they bought large advertising campaigns too. No one listening to conservative talk radio in Ohio could possibly miss the branding or the GOP message.
Not so in Nevada. The “brilliant” GOP consultants in Nevada ran away from conservative talk radio like it was the plague. The GOP consultants in Nevada didn’t allow their candidates to be interviewed as guests on conservative talk radio- for fear their words might be used against them. I’m not kidding. GOP consultants were afraid to let their candidates do an interview.
Worse, these same GOP consultants spent literally close to nothing on advertising, to their main base of voters. Smart!
But that wasn’t the end of my conversation with Bill Cunningham. Part II is the biggest reason for the GOP defeat in Nevada. In Ohio, it’s almost impossible for illegal aliens to vote. In Nevada, it’s easy.
In Nevada, anyone can get a driver’s license. Nevada is one of twelve states that issue driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. And once at DMV to collect their license, any illegal alien can register to vote without ever proving citizenship. Instantly non-citizens are legally registered to vote in Nevada elections.
In Ohio, illegals can’t get drivers licenses. And no one in Ohio can get a driver’s license without a passport or birth certificate. Both of course prove you’re an American citizen. Then to vote, you must show your driver’s license.
There it is. In Ohio it’s almost impossible to vote if you’re a non-citizen. In Nevada, you can. Liberals claim there is no “voter fraud.” Well there’s not. It’s actually “registration fraud.” And it’s easy and basically legal.