>>4264621 (pb)
Macron speech (cont.)
We want to build a France of merit, of work, of a France where our children will live better than we do. This can only be achieved through better schools, universities, apprenticeships and training that teach the youngest and oldest what it takes to live free and work. The investment in the Nation, in school and training is unprecedented and I can confirm this. We want a France where people can live with dignity from their work. On this point, we went too slowly. I want to intervene quickly and concretely on this subject. I ask the government and Parliament to do what is necessary to ensure that we can live better from our work early next year. The salary of a worker at the SMIC will increase by 100 euros per month from 2019 without costing the employer an additional single euro. I want to get back to the right idea: that accepted overtime constitutes extra income; overtime will be paid without taxes or charges from 2019. And I want a real improvement to be immediately noticeable; that's why I will ask all employers who can, to pay an end-of-year bonus to their employees and this bonus will not carry any taxes or charges. Retired people are a precious part of our Nation. For those who receive less than 2,000 euros per month, we will cancel in 2019 the increase in CSG suffered this year; the effort they were asked to make was too great and it was not fair. As of tomorrow, the Prime Minister will present all these decisions to parliamentarians. But we must not stop there. I need our big companies, our wealthiest citizens, to help the Nation succeed; I will bring them together and make decisions to that end this week. I know that some would like me to come back to the reform of the wealth tax in this context, but for almost 40 years it has existed; were we living better during that period? The richest people were leaving and our country was getting weaker. In accordance with the commitments made to you, this tax has been abolished for those who invest in our economy and thus help to create jobs; on the contrary, it has been maintained for those who have real estate assets. Going back would weaken us at a time when we are recreating jobs in all sectors. However, the government and Parliament will have to go further to put an end to undue benefits and tax evasion. The manager of a French company must pay his taxes in France and the large companies that make profits there must pay taxes, that is simple justice. As you can see, we will respond to the economic and social emergency with strong measures, faster tax cuts, better control of spending rather than setbacks. I intend the government to pursue the ambition of the transformations of our country that the people chose 18 months ago; we have before us a profound reform of the State, unemployment benefits and pensions.