Anonymous ID: 6b6c77 Dec. 11, 2018, 7:40 p.m. No.4266187   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4265826 PB Last board 5434

The boss says read news correctly:

He’s referring to how throughout his varied careers he’s always been ahead of the curve on reading into the 'news' and proactively measuring his opponents and systematically replanting 'news' (fake) and innuendo to unstableness his opponent(s). A masterful chess player movement only few can master or are inherently ingrained with. THEREFORE Q, Q+, POTUS, and a few other PATRIOTS.


Detailed explanations abound, some sauced below. GOD BLESS The United States of America. A wonderful time to be apart of history.


POTUS was the master of moving the Overton Window, before its name and psychological effects were determined.

Joe Overton invented the Overton window while working for a think tank in Michigan. Overton theorized that politicians can only voice opinions within a band inside the left to right political spectrum. Any politician who voices an opinion outside this range of acceptable opinions will see their career come to an abrupt end and be ostracized.


the “window” refers to the range of acceptable political discourse on any given topic. As the Mackinac Center explains, “the ‘window’ of politically acceptable options is primarily defined not by what politicians prefer, but rather by what they believe they can support and still win re-election

The Left — dominating the media, the academy, and pop culture — is unmatched at moving the Overton Window.