Anonymous ID: bf900c Feb. 18, 2018, 10:25 p.m. No.427604   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I came to realize this possibility months ago.


Was very careful about how I worded it, however. Not that it would likely fool sniffers… But.. eh..


"Be careful what you wish for."


Keep in mind that the collusion narrative is about to fall through. Sessions just started moving on the FBI. Mueller filed his indictments and that is as close to Trump as they will come.


These will be the most dangerous days for Trump, as far as I can see. They have a limited window to assassinate and hope to change the narrative while shocking his staff back in line. They think they can still get rid of him and just call off the collusion investigations and let it all be water under the bridge.


I don't think Trump plans to die. I don't think his staff are aiming for that, either. But this is the point where he has moved into a spot where a move by the opfor may be to take the piece. The game is over. They should resign. But they are amateurs and will play to a mate.


Regardless of how the cabal moves, it will be over in the next series of moves. But Trump is not the king. The king is our families - our children and our lifestyles. The piece that is used to leverage the whole of our resources to protect. In that regard, any other piece can be lost. This is a point where the cabal sees the board as having an opportunity to remove a powerful piece from their opponents before it can fully position itself. Or simply out of spite.


Either way, it is a possibility.


And if it is played out, you can bet that the evidence of their conspiracy to do it… Or to attempt it and fail… Will be had.