Where is their former chairman Herr Schmidt? Perhaps singing?
How is FB coming along Q!
Where is their former chairman Herr Schmidt? Perhaps singing?
How is FB coming along Q!
We pay the biggest share by far. DEFUND! Boot out of USA for human trafficking and crimes against humanity in Haiti.
How do these fuckers and FB keep being getting away with insider trading? Maybe they are going to get popped.
Because the dumbass CEO just lied to Congress.
Where is their former chairman Herr Schmidt? Perhaps singing?
How is FB coming along Q!
Over and over Q tells these people are stupid. It really is crazy how stupid. It really does show you they definitely never thought DJT would win. They did all of this stuff out in the open.
He is proper fucked. Unless he got a deal.
MZ did the same thing and is in secret meetings. But Q knows that.