Can you imagine the fit Schumer musta pitched after he got away from cameras?
You can tell he'd had his after-presser already written out considering how detached it was from what actually happened.
Can you imagine the fit Schumer musta pitched after he got away from cameras?
You can tell he'd had his after-presser already written out considering how detached it was from what actually happened.
You know who's watching a movie?
Each post is a new frame.
Memewhile, back in the USSA
I had an accountant tell me that what we need are conservative fiscal policies AND liberal social policies.
And we'll just be smart about the fiscal part to pay for all of it.
Great job!
Seafood hotpot sounds delicious…
Aight so…
Desi Chick aaaand… and Australian?
Dundee or Aboriginee, your choice.
Or a latino guy?
We never see any spanish dudes.
You're leaving out Latins, Desi, Orientals, Arabs…
It's just black and white ooooover and oooover again.
Huh… what a sudden drop…
My fravorite female orgasm cycles are asians who DO NOT sound like asian pornstars.
So much fun.