Edgar reports all Corp filings. Below u will find screen shots of all historical 10-Q filings. Most are filed around Oct . Not a common filing in my previous biz related searches. There will be plenty of digs to bring down the giant, but I'm in. Love u anon (no homo)
#apologies tabfaggin and this thing works fur shit. Edgar has all historical docs on 10-Q for goog. I use often 4 biz. EZ and VERY informative. Check out the 10-k too 4 additional digs on subsidiaries. EZ way to hide offset $
The reason why shills ir porn,fe, muh jew, etc infinitum don't work here is bc anon and autistic have already seen it ALL. We don't give a fuck. No filters necessary our brains do it auto. UR fckd U just don't know it yet. And when the PAIN comes, we will brush that shit off and move to the next target. It's how we role.