Holy shit anons, did Q just destroy GOOG in one night?
GOOG = pwnd
Holy shit anons, did Q just destroy GOOG in one night?
GOOG = pwnd
Did we ever find out anymore on that 22 year old software engineer that was found dead at GOOG NYC HQ at his desk?
They said there was no evidence of foul play…
Theres more to this. Facebook had a satellite project called Dragon Eye.
I think that was the one that Q said was connected to SpaceX Falcon 9, the F9 algorithm..
This all has to do with Space Force too…
And this happened today also…
You picked a good one anon
Could GOOG have been using 23&MEs DNA company to help China harvest organs?
I read a story a while back about china targeting fulon gong practitioners for their organs…
What about facial recognition and AI, how might that help (((them))) find kids… or people with blood types they prefer…
Yeah, considering Qs post about where they got the idea for the matrix from…
Yeah, and ive heard about the silicon valley parties… where they take yachts out into international waters… and engage in drugs and orgies.
I can only image what else… also, the yachts could easily be rigged with video feeds to get it all recorded, they already know based on your web searches what you would… prefer…. how best to entrap you…
Me too anon, which led to years of studying their occult BS
Yep, they are sick fucks.
This also leads to Prince Dopey and what his ex wife said went on, on his yacht.
Then of course to these private islands. Or places like Montenegro that a trafficking hubs, and also home to 64 millionaires, Marina Abramovic, etc.
And malta, where Justice Roberts has a 'fortress' and one wonders if he happened to know a maltese professor thats seemingly gone missing.
GOOG - 'Fuck you leakers'