If you view the details on the SEC form, you will see these represent different classes of shares. One is class A common shares and the other one, the larger amount, represents class C capital stock.
The Class A GSUs entitle the Reporting Person to receive one share of Alphabet Inc. Class A Common Stock for each share underlying the GSU as GSU vests. The GSUs vest as follows: 1/72 of GSUs vested on May 25, 2013 and an additional 1/72 vests monthly thereafter until the GSUs are fully vested, subject to continued employment on such vesting dates.
The Class C GSUs entitle the Reporting Person to receive one share of Alphabet Inc. Class C Capital Stock for each share underlying the GSU as GSU vests. The GSUs vest as follows: 1/72 of GSUs vested on May 25, 2013 and an additional 1/72 vest monthly thereafter until the GSUs are fully vested, subject to continued employment on such vesting dates.
For more details: http://secfilings.nasdaq.com/filingFrameset.asp?FilingID=13097123&RcvdDate=12/6/2018&CoName=ALPHABET%20INC.&FormType=4&View=orig