The way I look at it is.
if Trump was a foreign president. this is how The CIA overthrows a government from the inside.
with the help Of MI6. Mossad. yada,yada yada.
The way I look at it is.
if Trump was a foreign president. this is how The CIA overthrows a government from the inside.
with the help Of MI6. Mossad. yada,yada yada.
I don't Know.
Another one bites the dust.
one of my favorites by Queen.
short and sweet.
Judas Priest - Dissident Aggressor
I'm in a good mood.
Q and I jamming out!
He just went full Retard.
Well our own government is trying to over throw our President. wouldn't Doubt Junker and the E.U. wouldn't mind getting troops over here.
Its War my freind.