>I mean, seriously, an earthquake in GA and TN?
Earthquakes happen everywhere, more rare there though.
>I mean, seriously, an earthquake in GA and TN?
Earthquakes happen everywhere, more rare there though.
>Barron getting targeted?
It was weird when Chelsea posted, now it is fucking spoopy with Podesta.
Arrest all these fuckers ASAP.
>they have been working at sending their lemmings into red areas, to turn them blue.
For over 3 decadesโฆit was working
Oregon?Washington (truly red states) are a good example.
This (pic related) comes to mind whenever talk drifts to EQ
>Canada's immigration plans for next 3 years
Going to need another wall.
End times are near for the Queen
>Muh Football
Ever notice that the people they use to keep you enslaved to the idiot box make millions, and are of minimal value?
Rome knew how to control the mob well too.
>and then a quake hits 20 min later? Really weird.
Lots of weird phenomenon associated with EQs
New to some = strange/weird