MSM vs Q movement: the new move to portray patriots as haters, crazies & fools
In the last few days, Q movement has suddenly become more visible. Although it's been organically taking root in the culture, things have now reached the point where the MSM has decided it's time not only to mention us (only to dismiss us as they did in August), but to challenge us head-on, as they see Q movement begin to go mainstream.
Below the Q posts, articles and videos that address or reflect this change. The Rolling Stone & WaPo articles target us by name while the questions addressed to Pichai by Nadler today take aim without mentioning Q. The American Thinker article shows the potential of positive press coverage to make people interested about what we do and why we do it. Let me know what I've missed.
Many clips of Q seen in Gilets Jaunes & other EU protests
Q Post 2566
Who is QAnon?
Surprisingly neutral to positive account of Q movement.
>>4238859 pb
John Podesta Is Ready to Talk About Pizzagate
Hit piece focused on shooter in Comet Pizza & how he was influenced by crazy Q movement.
>>4252681 pb
Fox’s The Five: Discussion of potential moon landing fuckery devolves into hilirious discussion of conspiracy theories; mentions "Qanon"
Discussion on possible fake moon landing other "conspiracy" topics; Juan mentions Qanon, everybody laughs (they knew they were being "naughty")
>>4262394 pb
Pichai to Nadler's Q: What is Google doing to combat the spread of white supremacy?
Transcript of Nadler questioning Pichai on what Google is doing to combat "right-wing extremism." Doesn't mention Q, but Q YouTubers are a major targets (see WaPo article, below).
Hateful Conspiracies Thrive on YouTube
Companion piece to Pichai testimony transcript above. Very negative hit piece that mentions the most lurid aspects of Pizzagate. Goal: to make patriots look sick, crazy & dangerous.
https ://
Time magazine "person of the year" = slain/imprisoned journalists
Dedicated to "The Guardians & the War on Truth" (the MSM). Covered during the first part of Laura Ingraham's show tonight. She has another name for this group: the "Guardians of the Fallacy"! (Her nominees for Person of the Year? The Paradise firefighters & US Border Patrol.)