'GOD bless you all.
You sir have just won the internet :)
>China was the first customer to get rolled out.
Ya think? Nah buddy, they were buying an already tried and tested system. The one goog uses on us.
This is actually fakes news to discredit Nuns that are speaking out against Priests anon.
Install it and start reporting politicians, fake news media and goog execs etc.
Video Archived
Even easier, install Linux or FreeBSD.
Beautiful meme anon, saved :)
Try harder idiot. We have never been more united and our resolve has never been so strong.
That soy latte must be making you drunk!
They were pissed that POTUS isn't gonna play their time-wasting games kek!
We gotta keep this Chump thing going KeK!
Haven't the Roths moved there?
Thanks fren. Video Archived.
You got that right fren :)