Anonymous ID: 022141 Dec. 12, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.4273853   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This may be just a weird meta-coincidence, but poet "Rives" gave a conspiracy-themed talk in 2007 about occurrences of the time "4am" in the works of various other speakers (including Bill Clinton and Matt Goering) at the 2007 TED event, and how various coincidences tied them together back to a 1932 Giacometti surrealist sculpture, The Palace at Four in the Morning.


This was one of the first talks made available on when it launched.


He then gave another talk in 2014 on a similar subject:


In the second talk, he steps back from the conspiracy theme and emphasizes that it's all just a coincidence.


So, as Q likes to ask us: do you believe in coincidences?