Why the fuck do rich areas get more funding
Its why we have ghettos
This board is a honey pot for targeted individuals
I dont know if potus is behind it but i would assume not judging as his agenda is actually pro maga and doesnt seem like regime change
If i told you what has happened to me since i found this board you would not believe me
I dont know what tech enables Q to do what he does but they are 1000s of years ahead of us if not more
Never refer anyone to this board
They will become a chew toy for whoever the fuck is behind this sick joke
They are most likely not people anon
Designed to either damage Qs agenda if real
Or to make you believe the psyop if fake
Youd be surprised
Considering i havtn offed myself yet
You know whats really painful "anon "? Directed
energy weapons
Remember all the tinnitus people were getting
Q knows this and doesnt care
Now if they are real and are busy then fine
But Q posts bullshit constantly
My jewdar is going off
How much worse can it really get ?
Jokes on them
Im a masochist
Once i get weed they cant do anything unless they wanna come in person
Good to know im not the only one
I know im targeted
Cant convince me otherwise
Now it could just be the cia niggers and not Q but Qs behavior and ridiculous posts like today
Are why i call him/her a fucking nigger
Ive been in pain almost my whole life so whatever they are doing they were probably doing it before Q
Its gotten worse
I have no idea how i keep a straight face
I cant talk to anyone about this
If nothing changes im just gonna go out in the woods where they cant do shit to me
Hmmm talk about targeted individuals get ear ringing and extreme pain
Think about certain topics same thing
No they are literally reptillians or working for them read the bible
Can i stop being tortured now please
At least you arnt a chew toy anon
Or one of those poor kids that are still being i dont even wanna say it
I really wonder how my life and many others wouldve turned out if we were not vaccinated drugged and poisoned from,birth
This shit isnt fixable
Its permanent damage
Who cares not like we can get out