God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
what is your name? what do they call you?
and she pulls out her Obama Presidential Pardon and says "kiss my wrinkly ass"
please don't call her a goddess. this is USA, no royalty, equality before the law.
and if you really want to trigger me say
Ivanka 2024
sauce on "presidential pardons have expiration dates"?
(You) cuck
ouch, I got cancer in my anus looking at that.
are you triggered you little bitch?
right, so do you think hilary commited crimes that could be pardoned, or crimes that could not be pardoned?
I think she comitted crimes that could be pardoned, and then probably made every effort to stop as soon as djt sworn in.
86 beford street.
you're a chick. only a chick would say that.
this is hilarious and stupid. we most likely have two grown men, accusing each the other of being a woman.
thankq for the clarification. so hopefully the state ag for NY is (ourguy)?
the bot menace is greatly overhyped by lilly anons.
i was being sarcastic. If it was up to me I'd amp the mysogyny up to 11!
because my "real" friend who by own admission left 2000 years ago talks to me, but when that happens nobody else hears anything.
define imaginary.
really, you want to see mine?
I am desireable?
anons desire me?
tits only if you say I win all the arguments from now on.
and give me half your earnings for the rest of you life.
they make pills for that now. medical science has advance alot in 2000 years.