>>[Avoided Z] means Avoided Plan Z (Prepared to do the UNTHINKABLE)
>>Plan Z the last plan to consider, absolute desperation.
>>We were THAT close.
Indeed we came close to WWIII a few time in the last 2 years……
This is the next powder keg to blow off if the plan fail. I hope the Russian have everything under control because I do not trust the NATO general to do the right thing.
Yes it did…….. and it did not!
The Official story is pure manufacture Bullshit. But the Crime is real. If you read that article take note of the following:
Who where the victims? Young teenage girl Babysitting.
Where? In James Comey Neighbourhood.
Can you take a wild Guess as to who is the Real Ramsey Rapist now?
How do you think they manage to get Comey under control so early?