Anonymous ID: 1c2b58 Dec. 12, 2018, 3:30 p.m. No.4279977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0564

Reposting cuz was late in bread and I said Q rt'd a "twat" when I mean to say "post" (and fucked up attaching image, kek)


>>4278733 pb


Infectious (((pilpul))) detetected,

Immuno-logic commencing in 3, 2, 1…


>It is true that q came to pol. But it wasnt for the culture,

[citation needed]

>why would a mil/nsa group care about it?

Because politics is downstream from culture. Everything is downstream from culture.

And it was our culture that was having a substantive impact on real-politik. Our memes were a yuge influence in POTUS's successful 2016 win, this is supported by the amount of retwat reach they had, including retwats by POTUS, Jr. & frens. And this was before the big twatter censor-fest, so our memes' success then wasn't just cuz memes evade text-recognition AI software. That's an additional benefit that would come into play later.


>He came their because it was a very popular/viral bastion of relative free speech. Also it was a playground for highly intelligent autist and a hivemind pf the highest caliber. They knew that the true autists wont stop untill the hivemind reaches the truth.

All true. But you are arguing that because you can cite these reasons they must be the only reasons, therefore culture cannot also be one of them. Bad logic.


>But then q left pol. Why? Imo it is because q team gpt what they wanted … to migrate to a designated, cleaner board

>cleaner board

KEK. On what basis do you… oh, this:

>Imo, Imo, Imo, Imo, Imo, Imo

Exactly. You acknowledge you have only your opinion as basis for this claim. Do you have any objective facts to support it?


Here are my facts to support my claim that Q loves us just the way we are:

  1. Q left /pol, after only a couple months, cuz he was unhappy there, specifically with the mods/censorship. Why, then, would he not have left QR, with whomst he's still going strong a full year out so far, if he was unhappy with our mods, who do not censor, or with our culture, which they are not censoring?


  1. Q uses our memes himself in his own drops, including the terms "trolling" and "Pepe." These are cultural icons of /pol. They did not exist before /pol, and they have no meaning outside the cultural context under which /pol created them. 'Why would Q use /pol memes if he doesn't support /pol culture?


  1. Why would Q reply to a post with the attached image, or to an anon who used the metaphor "assrape" if he had such delicate sensibilities about the JQ, faggotry, muh-violence-against-women and other victimologies, or locker-room-talk “obscenities?” Q goes beyond staying silent on the controversial aspects of our culture, he downright bantzes with us.