The truth is hardly ever what you expect. Grow the fuck up. Seth Rich was murdered. He's a hero. He will never pop out of your birthday cake.
Remove head from ass.
Sweet Karl
The truth is hardly ever what you expect. Grow the fuck up. Seth Rich was murdered. He's a hero. He will never pop out of your birthday cake.
Remove head from ass.
Sweet Karl
41 thought he could reincarnate into another body. He was blocked from doing so and launched into the central sun to have his soul reset.
The note said "he gone."
Sweet Karl
Sweet Karl doesn't reveal his sources. But you are a fantastic person anon and all will be revealed soon. Stay strong. You are here for a reason.
Sweet Karl
Souls get many chances in this universe as it is based on the principles of free will. However there does come a time when it is deemed too far away from source and the damage it does to others can no longer be tolerated. At this stage it is forcefully directed into the central sun and completely reset.
No one will ever talk to 41 ever again. He was able to overcome the death of his physical body on 2 previous occasions. However this time light forces were ready and he was blocked from doing so. He no longer exists in any form.
Sweet Karl
And I'm out.