Anonymous ID: 9eb222 Dec. 12, 2018, 6:36 p.m. No.4285034   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5062




State Department report 861.00/5339 -


The report goes on to assert that there can be no doubt that the Russian Revolution was started and engineered by this group and that in April 1917…


Jacob Schiff

Kuhn, Loeb & Company

Felix Warburg

Otto H. Kahn

Mortimer L. Schiff

Jerome J. Hanauer


Max Breitung

Isaac Seligman


…Jacob Schiff in fact made a public announcement and it was due to his financial influence that the Russian revolution was successfully accomplished and in the Spring 1917 Jacob Schitf started to finance Trotsky, a Jew, for the purpose of accomplishing a social revolution in Russia.