Anonymous ID: cd3187 Dec. 12, 2018, 10:10 p.m. No.4288193   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Its not about YOU. No one would take what you have. It is about your children and their ability to have ANYTHING.


The United States was under the Constitutional money supply from the Civil War (1845 ish) until they installed the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve in 1912. That was 70 years of REAL money, REAL savings ability, REAL retirement without having the value of that retirement cut in half every time the Feds print money to bail out the international criminals and bankster friends.



During that 70 Years of CONSTITUTIONAL money supply, America went from third world dirt road status, to the FIRST world nation that it became. The industrial revolution was possible, and Americans funded it with their Constitutional money savings accounts that bore interest. Constitutional money is allowed to grow with the demands of the economy and new inventions.


The constitutional money supply creates real value.


In those 70 years we went from civil war torn mess to being the strongest nation on earth without trading much with any other nation.


When we did trade, tariffs funded parts of government that were not "fee for service" like the post office, or, getting a license plate.


The government was "fee for service" all the way to the time of WWII without WITHOUT income tax AT ALL.


NO income tax. NO IRS. Zip. NADA.


Now, how much retirement would you have saved if your life of paying income tax was in your retirement account instead of the hands of criminal Unconstitutional banksters under their criminal tax scheme?????


A LOT more than you have NOW.


And not only that, since 1912, they have devalued the dollar to 3 cents of what it could buy at the time of the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.


There went your "savings account" because THEY print money and devalue your dollar.


As soon as these private criminals created and passed the law allowing their private asses the right to legally COUNTERFEIT American money, ………… All the growth in America stopped.


Not only that, but, after THEY made their tax free wealth, THEY made sure no one would ever be able to go into competition with them by creating the IRS and the "TAX brackets that at the time of President Kennedy, were at 90% top bracket.


90% tax can be for NO other purpose than to make sure that anyone who gets rich enough to finance another railroad, is taken out f the control game automatically by having 90% of their money taken from them.


END of America.




AND NOW we sit living essentially still in the 1950's with the exception of "inventions" that can spy on us.. NOTHING has been invented for 70 years of any importance. NOTHING.


God forbid, someone would be wealthy enough to fund an internet or ANYTHING that they could not control…. This 90% bracket made sure there would NEVER be anyone to compete with them again.


So, Get off the selfish behavior and THINK.


LEARN something about how this great nation REALLY worked when the Constitution was running well respected and enforced.