Anonymous ID: f0ba5f Dec. 12, 2018, 9:12 p.m. No.4287527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7632 >>7674 >>7710 >>7911 >>8114 >>8197 >>8243

Re Q Post 2624 on "Wizards & Warlocks = 'Guardians' of Intelligence"


Q posts on Wizards & Warlocks:

2624, 714, 636, 435, 173, 144, 81, 80, 67, 36, 15


15 W & W (inside term) "will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control of our country

36 What if W & W tipped off a local reporter as to the supposed unscheduled stop (re tarmac mtg)

36 What if W & W revealed what they had?

67 The council of W & W cannot be defeated.

80 We need to get organized…to know what will happen…list: Alice in W, HRC in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, Snow White, W & W)

81 [Focus on big news & info and how it is ordered/what is emphasized, must reorganize (Snow White, W & W)

144 [long, see post for all] Patriots don't sleep…need overview…What is NSA - Q group? Who has clearance to full pic….What agy is at war with Clowns in America?

Who are the W & W? What council do the W & W control? Think Snowden (inside terms dropped). (Alice in Wonderland…..)

173 Good destroys evil; no rigging/blackmain this time. W & W.

435 F-1 speech - history. W & W. Alice & Wonderland. Solved?

636 [Lots on narratives/counternarratives; MSM vs counternarrative; fake news] W & [WAR]locks.

714 [2] highly clasified clown ops exposed. [44] remaining. W & W. Save the best for last. [P]

2624 Anon: Who are W & W? Q: 'Guardians' of intelligence.




W & W appeared early in Q drops; therefore, fundamental to the Plan.


Q uses 'shudder quotes' around "Guardians". This suggests irony (introduces ambiguity: double meaning, unusual meaning, or changing meanings depending upon context)


Two different but related terms; Why? There may be distinction ("real" (white hat) wizards vs corrupted (black hat) warlocks? See Post 636: [WAR]locks


Wizards only:

(def): a man who is believed to have magical powers and, esp. in stories, uses them to help or harm people

​approving You might call someone a wizard who has great skill or who manages to do something that is extremely difficult

See doc:

See book: Wizards of Langely:'''

In this, the first full-length study of the Directorate of Science and Technology, Jeffrey T. Richelson walks us down the corridors of CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, and through the four decades of science, scientists, and managers that produced the CIA we have today. He tells a story of amazing technological innovation in service of intelligence gathering, of bitter bureaucratic infighting, and sometimes, as in the case of its “mind-control” adventure, of stunning moral failure. Based on original interviews and extensive archival research, The Wizards of Langley turns a piercing lamp on many of the agency's activities, many never before made public.


Warlocks only:

(def): a man who practices witchcraft; a sorcerer.

synonyms: sorcerer, wizard, magus, (black) magician, enchanter; archaic: mage

Is this an evil entity or just a "gray hat" (impure motives but not evil in an absolute–Satanic–sense): could include some of MSM, some CIA, (others?)


W & W are related but "Wizard" meaning is more positive than "Warlock" definition




The way Q uses the terms W & W, it sounds like they often work together: eg, like they belong on the same council (67), tipped off reporters (36), will not allow Satanic Evil POS control (15), save the best for the last (714), see/hear all (636).


BUT: In answer to the Q "What council do the W & W control? Q answers "Think Snowden (inside terms dropped)." Mentions that the Congress are puppets (144). Council sounds like the CIA, C_A or both.


And this may be close to the truth: that there are people within the intelligence community (espec. the CIA) who vie for control: white hats (CIA), black hats (C_A), and gray hats (CIA/C_A). Same may or may not apply to other intell agys. White hats and gray hats may work together to defeat black hots.


AND: We know the CIA & MSM are interlaced. So any of the above may also apply to the MSM; many drops included here mention MSM quite a bit.


FINALLY: Q dropped this info just after Time Magazine named their "person of the year" away, discussed by Laura Ingraham last night on her show. Time magazine "person of the year" = slain/captured MSM ="The Guardians & the War on Truth."'''

Laura I. has another name: the "Guardians of the Fallacy"!

Anonymous ID: f0ba5f Dec. 12, 2018, 9:52 p.m. No.4288009   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was working on a digg (the kind that takes you off the board). But sometimes, I'm just sitting here, and suddenly there's a Q drop right before me… phone alerts for Q drops are usually delayed, so not that great for interacting…..

Anonymous ID: f0ba5f Dec. 12, 2018, 9:57 p.m. No.4288062   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Shades of Agenda 21!

That's not right, anon. This is an unusual scenario, should change decades-old policies. God help you all, NorCal anons, plz keep us – and the world – up on what happens. Information warfare at its finest!!

Anonymous ID: f0ba5f Dec. 12, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.4288095   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've felt that way for 3 months. Now that things are really happening, it's like hanging on by your fingernails. All I can say is, you're not alone.