Excellent point.
I'm am a Bible fag purest so most here won't want to hear my opinion. However, try to look at your body like a weight. It holds you down at ground level. It can only move about 20 mph. It can't see very far. It can't hear that well. It needs to "rest" for 35% of the time. It breaks down over about 80 years. It is easily damaged. It is prone to addiction. And it really isn't all that intelligent relative to its potential. And of course God will NOT intervene with your free will in deciding how to use this "weight".
Now imagine once you die that the "weight" is lifted. And all the limitations are gone. Only difference you lose the free will to know if God is real or not, but you gain perfection.
I think it will be fairly obvious which God is real once you meet Him. Mercy is not getting judged for something you deserve. Grace is getting a gift you don't deserve. God grants both. Satan grants neither. Enough Bible talk for me.
Hillary's middle two teeth are an excellent identifier because her upper front left crown is larger than her upper front right crown. And the left one is usually more discolored in non photoshopped images. You can also zero in on the angle and shape of the wrinkles next to her eyes.
Look at her middle teeth variables.
I am suggesting they ALL are similar through 2016-2017. They never thought she would lose, so they never cared. Post 2017 and in 2018 you begin to see some potential differences in the teeth. Images are hard to find and tend to disappear quickly.