Have not read through all Q and A yet but…
Glad to see the retard JFK jr and Seth rich retards are btfo'd…
Now go away faggots.
Have not read through all Q and A yet but…
Glad to see the retard JFK jr and Seth rich retards are btfo'd…
Now go away faggots.
The root of the problem is the j_ws.
Sounds retarded.
Globalist sharks are bad.
Thanks for the tip.
He must be a very very bad person. He probably has an irrational hate for innocent victim Jews for no reason.
Another way to look at it…
Q answered the dumbest and most ridiculous questions first…
So that retards would stop talking and go away…
It's the white supremacists Nazis that are flooding white countries and only white countries with non whites because that somehow makes whites have more Supremes or something something…
It is so obvious if you stick your your head up your ass after the Jews are done fucking your ass.
The poor Jews.
Last line of defense.
Even when blaming Jews…
Jews are the ultimate victims…
Looks like some Jew fag fetishists.
Not enough.
One good one does not mean we should give away our countries.
Miller can go to Israel and be Prime Minister.
Ours is ours.
The Jews can take in all of the third world…
In Israel…
If that makes them happy.
Not here.
Not in Europe.
Not in Australia.
Only thing you can do…
Don't allow these forked tongue liars to continually manipulate people here.
Here if only here.
Fight them.
Point out their bullshit.
It's fun!
And they hate it!
Hey Dad? What's a pussy?
Son that is mommy's private area…
Dad? What's a cunt?
Son that is the rest of Mommy.
We shouldn't give up our countries.
Expelling Jews is the best solution.
Israel taking in third world is a great idea.
Israel needs more diversity.
Diversity is strength.
Diversity is good.
Jews need it.