There is a real probability that Q is a mil-intel psy-op to keep those who would fight for America First sitting on the porch doing nothing with the false hope that somewhere else, someone else, is doing the hard work that needs doing. Q could well be designed to keep those most motivated to fight for truth, justice and the American way tied up wasting valuable time on an anonymous board shitposting the occasional meme.
Lots of 'April Showers' posts to make something significant seem imminent…but nothing truly substantial habbening. Clinton isn't locked up. Fields gets life for trying to escape a mob, and bike lock prof walks. Trump says the caravan was stopped, but the one who complained about mexican pig food was dining in Dallas, another has dropped an anchor baby, and the injured teen get airlifted to an American hospital on American taxpayer dime rather than catapulted right back over the border.
Big week ahead. BOOM BOOM BOOM.
But Trump's lawyer, Trump's campaign manager, and Trump's National Security Advisor are all getting sentenced, and the best we have is Anons counting every sealed motion in civil (not necessarily criminal) trials as indictments while known, provable criminals like Hillary and Huma are enjoying themselves at foreign billionaires' spawns wedding.