I’m going to relate something, and here’s why it’s probably valid: I have no kids, no family in the state I live in, I’m single, and I have no full-time job. As such (THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!) I’ve been pouring 25 hours a day, 7 days a week into the Storm, almost since day 1, and through that kind of saturation, I never once had a dream about it. Until last night. I was talking to a guy “in the know” about something, and beyond that, a lot more info came through.
The rarity of it, and the fact that none of it was ‘what I wanted to hear,’ makes me trust it. Because what was relayed isn’t going to have any real impact on my decisions or work beyond making me trust what’s going on a LOT more.
I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had 1:1 conversations in English with somebody in a dream. I’m in my fifties.
No point in providing details of the setting, just the end results.
THIS IS NOT RELIGIOUS. Everything about this time is managed by a “higher source.” If you have ever pigeon-holed what that means into any kind of construct that you’re able to make sense of (i.e. some kind of religious dogma), then you can safely assume it doesn’t work that way. We don’t “get it” regarding how it’s all put together. And we don’t need to. I got the general gist of it: everything is being managed. Very carefully, very closely, and very thoroughly. I have no details beyond that. There’s just “a management team,” so to speak, handling all this; overseeing it. Nothing moves without their say-so.
We work by impulse. We have a sudden impulse to move here, do this, put that off, focus here, avoid this other thing. And that’s how the controls are imposed. Yes, we can defy the impulses if we want to be stupid. The impulses we experience come from the “team.” It goes way beyond Trump but I don’t know what “it” is. Again, it’s not important to put it into any kind of little box that we can wrap our mushy brains around.
Nobody is selected or passed over to fill any role, for any other reason than suitability. We need a left handed pitcher, you pitch left handed and you’re right here, so please get out to the mound. There is no liking this guy better than that guy. It just doesn’t function like that. The way I worded it in the dream, and it was completely confirmed, is that I personally am like a utility player; a guy on the bench who is called on to temporarily fill various roles as required. Not very glamorous is it? But that’s what I was told.
The important thing to keep in mind is the level at which all this is managed. TRUST. It goes way, way above POTUS. I can’t speak to any details about who commands him, who is Q, NONE of that. It was never addressed and it’s not important. What matters is recognizing – even if only conceptually – that we have absolutely no idea how perfectly, how tightly, and how carefully this entire thing is managed from a level way above human. That’s all I have on the entire thing.
The likelihood of my having any further input like this is exceedingly low. It was a one-shot thing, as far as I can tell.