Anonymous ID: 231e59 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:08 a.m. No.4291510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1521

Brussels protesters ignore ban and will have anti-UN Migration Pact march


As we’ve reported yesterday, a march of several patriotic organisations and Flemish nationalist party Vlaams Belang, was banned by the authorities in Brussels.


While the organisers of the march thought the measure was about their safety, after the terror attack in France, reality is different.


The mayor and other officials have banned the march because they are afraid it could spread to other parts of Brussels. But organisers intend to ignore the ban and just have their march next Sunday.


“We are basing our action on the right to gather and the right to free expression. We are not looking for a confrontation with the police,”Filip Brusselmans of Flemish political student society KVHV.


The organisers also consider legal options to get the ban ditched.

Anonymous ID: 231e59 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:09 a.m. No.4291526   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Despite 92% Negative Press… President Trump Approval Tops Obama by 5 Points At Same Point in His Presidency


President Trump holds a 49% approval rating today after nearly two years into his first term despite a continued barrage of fake news and vicious media attacks.


This is 5 points higher than Barack Obama at the same point in his presidency.


This is despite national mainstream media reporting negatively on the highly successful President Trump 92% of the time.


Barack Obama had a cake walk with the media.

Anonymous ID: 231e59 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:11 a.m. No.4291543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1639 >>1653 >>1728 >>2031 >>2062 >>2087

Father of Swedish terror victim attacked by migrant who vandalised her grave – Police do nothing


The illegal migrant who almost daily violates 11-year-old Ebba Åkerlund’s grave attacked Ebba’s father, Stefan, last night.


“When I called the police no one came,” the father writes on Facebook:


“This gets sicker and sicker. When I visited my beloved daughter’s grave tonight he was there, and he was extremely threatening. He looked even more terrifying with one eye missing. Given that he has previously pulled a knife on the verger, I suspect he’s capable of anything.”


“This time he spat on me, attacked me and appeared more threatening than last time I encountered him. For 15 minutes I followed him while I had the police on the phone. But they didn’t come! What a surprise …”


Stefan writes that the man was sentenced to expulsion in 2014, but the decision was appealed to the Supreme Court. In 2015, he was sentenced again, for the grave violation, but avoided expulsion.

Anonymous ID: 231e59 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:14 a.m. No.4291561   🗄️.is 🔗kun

10 YEARS AGO TODAY – Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be COMPLETELY ICE FREE in Five Years



On December 13, 2008, junk scientist Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years.


Gore made the prediction to a German audience on December 13, 2008. Al warned them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.


This wasn’t the only time Al Gore made his ice-free prediction. Gore had been predicting dire scenario since 2007. That means that the North Pole should have melted completely five years ago today.

Junk scientist Al Gore also made the same prediction in 2009.

Anonymous ID: 231e59 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:17 a.m. No.4291594   🗄️.is 🔗kun

900 Corpses of ISIL Victims Found in Mass-Grave at Syria-Iraq Borders


TEHRAN (FNA)- Over 900 bodies were discovered in a mass-grave in Albu Kamal region at the bordering areas between Iraq and Syria, among them a large number of Iraqi opponents of the ISIL terrorist group.


Commander of Hashd al-Shaabi (Iraqi popular forces) in al-Anbar province Qatari al-Obaidi said on Wednesday that the mass-grave of ISIL victims includes more than 900 corpses, most of them Iraqis.


He added that most of the bodies belong to the people who had been detained and kept in ISIL prisons in al-Qa'em after voicing opposition to the occupation of Western al-Anbar by the terrorists.


He added that the ISIL terrorists had transferred and executed tens of inmates at these prisons before the Iraqi security forces started military operations in Western al-Anbar.


In a relevant development on Wednesday, the Syrian Army continued cleansing operation in Albu Kamal region in Southeastern Deir Ezzur near the border with Iraq and found 7 mass graves with over 100 bodies of victims killed by the ISIL terrorists.


The army's engineering units carried out cleansing operation in the Western direction of Albu Kamal region near the border with Iraq and discovered 7 mass graves with a large number of bodies of people that were killed by the ISIL.


The Syrian Red Crescent has thus far discovered 101 bodies of the people who had been tortured by the ISIL before their execution.


The Red Crescent announced further that unearthing bodies of victim from the mass graves is still underway.

Anonymous ID: 231e59 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:22 a.m. No.4291645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rest in Peace, Admiral ‘Ace’ Lyons


This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.


In the annals of the U.S. Navy, there have been few more colorful, salty and accomplished sailors than Admiral James “Ace” Lyons. Alas, his passing this week brought to a close a lifetime of extraordinary public service, both in and out of uniform.


In his recent book Oceans Ventured, former Navy Secretary John Lehman credited Adm. Lyons with helping President Ronald Reagan use naval power to decisive effect in the Cold War with the Soviet Union – all without firing a shot.


I had the privilege of working closely with Adm. Lyons in the years after he left active duty. He served as the chairman of our Center for Security Policy’s Military Committee. In that capacity, the former Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet brought to bear the extraordinary intellect and strategic vision for which he was renowned in the Navy. We will sorely miss him.

Anonymous ID: 231e59 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:27 a.m. No.4291702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1719 >>1723 >>1726 >>1911

Adult Afghan sexually assaults young girl in Belgium ‘because of Ramadan’


A 25-year-old Afghan has been found guilty by the court of Mechelen for sexually assaulting a minor in Lier, Belgium.


At the station in Lier, the adult man saw the young girl and sexually assaulted her. He pinched the girl’s buttocks, licked and kissed her and grabbed her between her legs.


The man said he “was frustrated by the strict rules of the Ramadan [Islamic holy month]”.


“My client didn’t had control over his sexual urges, he comes from a land where sex is a taboo and he was never informed about girls and women at home.


“He now thoroughly understand that his behaviour was transgression and will not repeat it,” the Afghan’s lawyer said.


The court sentenced the man to a suspended sentence of 10 months without conditions as he doesn’t speaks the language.

Anonymous ID: 231e59 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:30 a.m. No.4291743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1757 >>1765 >>2048 >>2076

Anyone celebrating France’s terror attack will be immediately arrested – Italian Minister


Italian Deputy Prime Minister, and as many have seen defender of all things Italian, Matteo Salvini issues a strong warning to any who have considered ‘rejoicing’ at the Strasbourg attack.


Promising arrest of any who would consider celebrating the deaths of innocent people attending the Christmas market in France.


“Our postal police [service]is at the cutting edge and it is sifting the Web to find the heinous people who are celebrating someone else’s death,” ANSA quotes Salvini, he vows ”immediate arrest for anyone who has been rejoicing online over the last few hours.

Anonymous ID: 231e59 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:38 a.m. No.4291853   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wonder where they got 20% from any clues, anybody.. what does Q say about coincidences


Iran Warns to Resume 20% Enrichment If N. Deal Fails


TEHRAN (FNA)- Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi once again warned that his country enjoys the capability to restore 20-percent uranium enrichment if the 2015 nuclear deal is discarded by parties still remaining under the agreement.


Salehi said that under the 2015 nuclear deal, Iran accepted to put confidence-building curbs on its nuclear program, but they do not obstruct the “peaceful activities of Iran’s nuclear industry”.


“Enrichment is currently underway, but we would put aside the 300kg limit (set by the nuclear agreement) whenever we wish, and would do the enrichment at any volume and level,” he said in an interview with state TV on the sidelines of a visit to the Fordo nuclear facility.


“We currently have 1,044 centrifuges in Fordo, and if the establishment wants, we will restart 20-percent uranium enrichment in Fordo,” he noted.


He expressed hope that the remaining parties to the nuclear agreement would deliver on their promise and implement their commitments in order to fill the gap created by the US after its unilateral withdrawal from deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).


Otherwise, he said, Iran will have to reduce its JCPOA commitments.

Anonymous ID: 231e59 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:48 a.m. No.4291957   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gotta admit ever since Trumps election its fun reading the news and watching the meltdowns


Sorry Kids, President Trump Cancels Christmas Party for Naughty White House Media Hacks


The Trump administration cancelled the annual White House Christmas party for the media hacks.


Typically the US president would hold the party and pose for photos with the president and First Lady.Not this year.