How do I reconcile when Q asserts something I firmly believe to be evil and wrong? Q called Edward Snowden a traitor. The only people I've ever heard saying that were the bad guys.
On this point? Absolutely. This one is non-negotiable. Anyone calling Snowden a traitor, isn't my friend. To me, the NSA are the traitors for what they do. Mass surveillance will never be OK in my book - ever.
>And you think you have more information than Q?
I am well informed on this topic, yes. I don't think Ed Snow is a traitor. I do think anyone calling him a traitor, isn't my friend.
>Snowden was/is a DS/CIA asset!
Says Q. I'm not sure if I can believe Q anymore, if that's the line being pushed here. I've heard it pushed by other factions, all of whom I consider to be "the bad guys."
Those who fight monsters should take care not to become monsters themselves. Mass surveillance is a tool of tyrants. If you reach for that power, you become the enemy of all humanity. There can be no debate on this utterly inarguable fact.
Please, stop telling me to reread crumbs, I'm so obsessively invested in this place that I think I've got them all memorized.
I thought this place was a tool for good - now, I'm not so sure anymore, if it just pushes the same IC propaganda I've heard from a million other sockpuppet sources. Ed Snow isn't a traitor. Assange isn't a Russian pedo rapist. This is core to my beliefs, absolutely central. Anyone tells me different, I start looking at them real funny.
You're American, right? Do you know anything about the reasons behind the American revolution?
Got something for you to Google: King George, writs of assistance. It'll really open your eyes. Mass surveillance existed during the very founding of your nation. It's why your nation was founded; it's why it rebelled against the Crown. It's why you have rules against mass surveillance in your constitution.
Because this place is trying to alter those fundamental beliefs, but I haven't given it write-access.
I've never been OK with it. I consider it an existential threat. I'm stunned that everyone doesn't. How many more times must this lesson be repeated before we learn the mistakes of our history?
Your belief system is a fiction, and I think I know who it came from - the same people calling Snowden a traitor.
He didn't release a single tool. The NSA lost control of their tools a few years after Snowden. See Shadow Brokers leak.
Question why you thought Snowden released NSA tools. Someone implanted this belief in you.
My faith, as it were, has just been shattered. Every single time, without fail, that I've heard people calling Ed Snow a traitor, it has been evil people. Servants of the establishment, the deep state this place purports to resist. How do I reconcile?
Sure, let's use logic. What was the equivalent of phones in King George's time? Could it be, hmm… "letters and effects?" Those things the 4th amendment prohibits the government from rifling through? What would you say is the spirit of the fourth?
Yes yes, question Q, become an enemy agent. I know the rules. Great cult loyalty enforcement, fellow free-thinker.
>because you have perfect knowledge of who "evil people" are and why they act
Yes, I do. Evil people conduct mass surveillance. Good people resist it with every fiber of their being, knowing what evil it brings with it. Not really up for debate, this point.
Have you ever questioned where this narrative of a secret civil war between US intel agencies comes from? I personally think it's total horseshit.
No, from five years of study into intelligence fields and activities, and a lifetime of studying history and seeing the bloody trails left by such agencies.
If this place's job is to convince you that Ed Snow is bad, while NSA is good, I'd start asking questions. That's not the first time I've heard that line, personally.
The American people are foreign adversaries? All Snowden did was tell the public what every foreign intel service already knew.
So, you're absolutely certain of the veracity of this inter-agency shadow war. No question in your mind about it, right?
What source code?
Not much else I can say in response to that. May your beliefs, and certainty in said beliefs, serve you well, as mine hopefully will.
Where has the Xkeyscore source code been published? Link please.
I do that regularly; how else can you verify the rightness of your beliefs?
I certainly can't stop you, but you'll have to forgive me if I disagree. In my book, Q just asserted something very, very bad - something I've heard from a litany of bad actors before Q ever came about.
>Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors
This is a total fucking lie, he didn't release any god-damned source code. Why do you believe this?
What anons am I dragging along, exactly? You're all shitting on me for daring to question something Q said that I believe in the very core of my soul to be evil.