Notable request, part of a DIGG
Who's behind new WaPo attack on "conspiracy theorists"? First group: DATA & SOCIETY
WaPo article "Hateful Conspiracies Thrive on YouTube despite pledge to clean up problematic videos" cited the following groups and individuals as "researchers":
* Data & Society (Joan Donovan) <<< SEE BELOW
* Network Contagion Research Institute
* AlgoTransparency (Guillaume Chaslot)
* Columbia University Tow Center for Digital Journalism (Jonathan Albright)
Part of a coalition of Globalists groups putting out propaganda ("research") designed to portray centrist groups as racist, white supremicist, conspiracy theorists & potentially terrorist
The aim is to pressure social media into deplatforming non-Globalist content providers on the basis that they constitute a threat to public safety & security because their ideas are gateways to more dangerous ideas ("gateway drug" argument)
Funded by all the usual suspects (long list includes Soros/Gates/UN). Declared revenue for 2017 was $4.1mil.
Publisher in Sep 2018 of ''Alternative Influence: Broadcasting the
Reactionary Right on YouTube'', a PDF detailing how alternative social media (even people like David Rubin and Stephen Crowder) are part of a "reactionary" network that exerts a "radicalizing" influence:
D&S website features a recent NYT article (11-25-18), "The New Radicalization of the Internet." (This article is mentioned on this board (via another article; see Sauce), but deserves its own post because it's the NYT trying to redefine terrorism as antiglobalism; see
Ph.D. in Sociology & Science Studies; head of the "Media Manipulation Project." {For D&S, media manipulation is obviously something only the Right does, not the Left!]
Worked at the UCLA Inst. for Society & Genetics "where she researched white supremacists' use of DNA ancestry tests, social movements & technology.
Articles include "Online hate is rampant; here's how to keep it from spreading"; "The Csae for Quarantining extremist Ideas"; "The tech companies are finally standing up to hate; will it work?"
There are many articles, plus "press coverage' and nothing is older that 15 months and most are less than a year old, which probably reflects a recent hard push from Soros et al to link the ideas of liberatarians, conservatives & alt-media to radical and even terrorist ideologies.
>>4283805 From WaPo: "Hateful Conspiracies Thrive on YouTube" Call for a DIGG