Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:08 a.m. No.4293740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3825 >>4148 >>4177 >>4388



Rahm Emanuel Says Pot And Casinos Should Help With Chicago’s Skyrocketing Debt


Now that his days in office are numbered, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel thinks he knows what would alleviate his city’s burgeoning debt — legalized marijuana and gambling revenue.


As Fox News reports, Emanuel suggested Wednesday that the city opt for legal weed and open a casino.


Emanuel said the debt problems in the city, caused by a pension fund that’s running out of money, is a “flashing yellow light of uncertainty” that prompts worry about the city’s financial future. Rahm mentioned that he has already raised Chicago’s taxes in an effort to tap into more revenue. According to the Chicago Tribune, pension payments are headed for a steep incline and Emanuel is even prepared to amend the state constitution to lower pension benefits for city workers.


“For the last seven-and-a-half years, we have worked together to stabilize, strengthen and secure Chicago’s pension funds, from our city’s pension funds, to our schools, to all of our sister agencies,” Emanuel told an audience at City Hall. “Together, we have been addressing this challenge honestly and forthrightly.”

Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:11 a.m. No.4293771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4177 >>4388

End Of Yemeni War? Warring Sides Reach Initial Agreement On Al-Hudaydah And Taiz


In a first major breakthrough since the beginning of the Yemeni peace talks in Sweden earlier in December, the country’s warring sides reached a ceasefire agreement that covers the strategic provinces of Taiz and al-Hudaydah.


On December 13, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced the agreement and thanked the Yemeni sides and described the agreement as “an important step” towards “future talks to end the conflict.”


“The war in Yemen has gone on for four years. Four devastating years of suffering for the Yemeni people … Thank you for coming here to discuss a better future for Yemen. And what you achieved is an important step,” the al-Jazeera quoted Guterres as saying.


Saudi Arabia ambassador to Yemen Mohamad Al Jaber, who is attending the peace talks in the Swedish city of Rimbo, revealed that the Houthis will withdraw from the city and port of al-Hudaydah and from their remaining positions in Tazi under the agreement.


“Thousands of captives and prisoners will be also released,” Al Jaber added on Twitter.


Guterres said that the the U.N. will play a key role in the port of al-Hudaydah and will facilitate humanitarian efforts all over Yemen. This indicates that the Saudi-led coalition will not be allowed to enter the key western city.


Head of the Houthis delegation to Sweden Mohamad Abd al-Salam praised the agreement and said that next week will likely witness a similar understanding on the Yemeni capital Saana and its airport.


“We have made very large concessions on al-Hudaydah in order to save the Yemeni People,” Abd al-Salam said during a press conference following the announcement of the initial agreement, according to the al-Mayadeen TV.


Last month, the U.S. stepped up its pressure on Saudi Arabia to push forward with negotiations on the conflict in Yemen in the wake of the murder of Saudi journalist and critic Jamal Khashoggi. Lebanese Hezbollah’s leader had also advised the kingdom to end its war on Yemen in order to find a way out of its current troubles.


From the its own side, the Saudi military has not been able to deliver a devastating blow the to Houthis by military means only. Considering a complicated military and diplomatic situation in which the kingdom’d found itself by the end of 2018, the Saudi leadership may have decided to ease tensions on the southern border of the country.

Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.4293814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4196

Ukraine: The Return of the Khazarian Serpent People


Everything is coming together. DNA Science has torn back the curtains of time and revealed the Serpent and his people. The ones we today call “Jews” are the very disciples of the evil entity whom the Bible describes as, “that old serpent, the devil.”


From the early centuries of the first millennia, the Khazars of Eastern Europe were known as the diabolical “Serpent People,” and now, the nation of Israel has admitted that its people are indeed, the Khazars.


The admission by the Israelis that the Jews are not related to ancient Israel but to Khazaria was reported in The Times of Israel (Leaked Report: Israel Acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret Plan for Reverse Migration to Ukraine, March 18, 2014). That article, by Professor Jim Wald, related that the Israeli leadership in Jerusalem is sending military equipment and settlers from Israel to Ukraine.


The Jews have taken charge of that ravaged country’s government and finances and intend eventually to make the Ukraine a “second homeland” for the Jews.


Their plan, leaked by governmental insiders, came only after Netanyahu and his cabinet reviewed growing DNA genetic evidence that the Jews are not the descendants of Abraham. Instead, they came from Khazaria, of which Kiev, Ukraine is the centerpiece. In fact, the Jews of Israel and the U.S. are of Ukrainian heritage. Ukraine is in the heartland of Khazaria.

Back to Khazaria


The rabbis teach that in the eighth century, the entire nation of Khazaria converted to the Talmud and to kabbalistic Judaism. Adopting the sordid, but occultly revealing, sex symbol of the six-pointed star, the pagan Khazars, known for centuries as the “Serpent People,” battled against both Christians and Islamists. Later, as converted “Jews” they migrated to Poland and Eastern Europe. Today they are found mostly in the U.S.A. and in Israel.


DNA Science has today confirmed this Khazar lineage of the Jews. I document the Khazar bloodline heritage in my definitive book, DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline.The Khazars, identified in Revelation 2 and 3 as the wicked “Synagogue of Satan,” are further identified in Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophetically as the people of Gog, from the land of Magog. Prophecy clearly tells us that this warlike serpentine people shall invade and conquer Israel first, then go on to plunge the entire planet into chaos and warfare (Revelation 20).


From Khazaria to Israel, and back to Khazaria (Ukraine) is Israel’s secret plan. After suppressing the Ukraine nation, the Jewish conquests will continue until the Jews achieve their New World Order.


This is the greatest tragedy since the Satanic Khazars invaded peaceful, unarmed Palestine in 1948, killing and battering the Palestinians and driving hundreds of thousands into desert refugee camps.


Americans are oblivious to the horror their Administration is causing the Ukraine people. But God knows. He sees. He feels. We have sowed the wind. Now we shall reap the whirlwind.

Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.4293836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4177 >>4388

"Trillion-Dollar" Amazon Execs Blasted By New York City Officials: "This Is Bad" For All Of Us


Sign-carrying protesters filled a New York City Council hearing room overnight, and chanted, "Amazon workers are under attack! What do we do? Stand up! Fight back!"


"We have a crumbling subway system, record homelessness, public housing that is in crisis, overcrowded schools, sick people without health insurance and an escalating affordable crisis," raged New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, a Democrat, as council members grilled Amazon executives about the company's plan to build a secondary headquarters in New York during a contentious hearing Wednesday that was interrupted several times by jeering protesters.


"Is anyone asking if we should be giving nearly $3 billion in public money to the world's richest company, valued at $1 trillion?"


As Fox5NY reports, the council members, who have no vote on the project and no apparent path to block it, demanded to know why the city and New York state were offering Amazon up to $2.8 billion in tax breaks and grants to build the new headquarters in the Long Island City neighborhood of Queens.


When the deal was announced last month, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio, both Democrats, were quick to hail it as a huge money maker for the state and the city. Amazon is promising to bring 25,000 jobs to New York over 10 years and up to 40,000 in 15 years.


"This is a big moneymaker for us. Costs us nothing," Cuomo said when the agreement was announced.


A narrative that Brian Huseman, Amazon's vice president for public policy, attempted to regurgitate in his response that the project would provide "over $186 billion in positive economic impact" over 25 years.


But, as the following clip shows, council members were not convinced:


"That analysis was done by someone who was hired by the state of New York, not by neutral third party academics or companies that can provide that economic analysis."


Fox notes that some independent economic development researchers said the estimates from city and state officials overlook the cost of Amazon's growth in the city .

Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.4293858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3865 >>3877 >>3878

How School Districts Weaponize Child Protection Services Against Uncooperative Parents


Schooling is adept at rooting out individuality and enforcing compliance. In his book, Understanding Power, Noam Chomsky writes:


In fact, the whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don’t know how to be submissive, and so on—because they’re dysfunctional to the institutions.


This filtering process begins very early in a child’s schooling as conformity is rewarded and divergence is punished.

Public Schooling Breeds Obedience


Most of us played this game as schoolchildren. We know the rules. The kids who raise their hands, color in the lines, and obey succeed; the kids who challenge the rules struggle. The problem now is that the rules are extending beyond the classroom. Parents are increasingly required to obey, to conform to a school’s demands even if they believe such orders may not be appropriate for their child.


In my advocacy work with homeschooling families across the country, I frequently hear stories from parents who decided to homeschool their kids because schools were pressuring them to comply with various special education plans, push medications onto their children, or submit to other restrictive procedures they felt were not in their child’s best interest. Even more heartbreaking is the growing trend of school officials to unleash child protective services (CPS) on parents, homeschooling or not, who refuse to give in to a district’s demands.

Weaponizing Child Protective Services


An investigative report by The Hechinger Report and HuffPost released last month revealed that schools are increasingly using child protective services as a “weapon” against parents. It said:


Fed up with what they see as obstinate parents who don’t agree to special education services for their child, or disruptive kids who make learning difficult, schools sometimes use the threat of a child-protection investigation to strong-arm parents into complying with the school’s wishes or transferring their children to a new school. That approach is not only improper, but it can be devastating for families, even if the allegations are ultimately determined to be unfounded.


More troubling, these threats disproportionately target low-income and minority parents. According to the report:


Such families also have fewer resources to fight back. When a family in a wealthy Brooklyn neighborhood learned roughly two years ago that their child’s school had initiated an ACS [New York’s Administration for Children’s Services] investigation against them, they sued the city education department. Parents from lower-income, majority-black and Latino neighborhoods, few of whom can afford that option, say such investigations can be a regular, even expected, part of parenting.

Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:20 a.m. No.4293873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3889 >>4177 >>4388

FF averted??


Indiana police thwart would-be school shooter’s plan to commit violence as suspect was en route to school


An unidentified male teenager is dead after police thwarted plans to attack an Indiana school on Thursday.

What are the details?


The teenager was on his way to Dennis Intermediate School in Richmond, Indiana, when police received a tip that the teen was planning to carry out a plan to commit violence at the school.


However, the police were able to act quickly and stop the teen from carrying out his plan.


CNN reports that the teen exchanged gunfire with officers at the school before turning the gun on himself, according to Indiana State Police Sgt. John Bowling.


"Someone knew something, and they said something," Bowling said.


It is unclear at this time whether the teen was a student at the school, or why the teen decided to target Dennis Intermediate School, which enrolls 560 children from grades 5-8. No students were injured in the incident.


In response to the incident, the Richmond Community Schools were placed on a lockdown.


Those students inside the intermediate school were taken to Richmond High School. Parents were directed to pick their children up at a nearby performing arts center.

What did the state police say?


The Indiana State Police addressed the incident on Twitter.


"Shooting at Dennis Middle School, Richmond, IN, in Wayne Co. has resulted in the death of the teenage suspect. No other students reported to be injured. @ISPPendleton Sgt. John Bowling will arrive shortly and will update media on where to meet for more info," a tweet read.

Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:22 a.m. No.4293904   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Ukrainian Book Reveals ‘Historic Truth’: Bow, Arrows Numbers & English Language Were Created By Ukrainians


A historical publication called “Ukraine is the ancestral home of humanity” claims that Ukrainians invented bow, numbers and also the English language, among other things. The book is written by Igor Tsar, a laureate of the Hero of Ukraine Stepan Bandera Prize. Consultant for the book was Volodymyr Duda-Dibcha.


The book’s annotation reads the following (it’s also possible to download it here):


“The book of Igor Tsar is an extremely interesting material on the history of Ukraine, providing little-known facts, postulates, hypotheses, which the author successfully illustrated via the thoughts of prominent people. World-class scientists and artists convinced us of the authenticity and truthfulness of the above. Of course, some theses still require research, but the author has a right of opinion and the corresponding statements.”


Edward Dolinsky, director of the Ukrainian Jewish Center, spoke about the book on his Facebook page, providing a brief retelling:


The Ukrainians invented numbers as well as the bow and arrows


In Lviv, a book was published by the winner of the Stepan Bandera Prize, Igor Tsar’s “Ukraine is the ancestral home of humanity”. The author, on the basis of documentary and scientific research, concludes that Ukrainians are the oldest nation that not only gave the world 200 thousand songs, but also formed the history of mankind. The book states that the Bible speaks of Ukrainians who reached Jerusalem in the 2nd century BC. Ukrainians are the oldest nation in the world. They settled 6 thousand years ago in Europe, Asia and Africa. In the 4th millennium BC, Ukrainians settled Palestine.


Numbers were also invented in Ukraine. From Ukraine, they came to India, and from there to Europe under the name of Arab. “Rig Veda” was written on the banks of the Dnieper. Tribes of Aryans from Ukraine founded Iran in the 4th millennium BC. Ukrainians gave rise to Sanskrit. English also originates in Ukraine. A confirmation of this is the Ukrainian word “mother,” which appears to be used in so many languages. Ukrainians have played music for 150 thousand years. The Ukrainian Orchestra of Folk Instruments was already been playing 20 thousand years ago.


10 thousand years ago, Ukrainians invented the bow and arrows. 3 centuries ago, all of Central Europe was settled by Ukrainians. Roman historian of the 1st century BC Justin argued that the Ukrainians are older than the Egyptians. Ukrainian women founded the Kingdom of the Amazons. Ukrainians conquered the whole of Asia and enforced taxes. The Sumerians, who founded Sumeria 5 thousand years ago are also related to the Ukrainians.


A few more direct quotes from the “historical chronicle”:


“… Hunting deers around 20 thousand years BC, the Ukrainian people at that time settled throughout Europe and moved to the UK and Scandinavia. Over 10 thousand years BC Ukrainians invented the bow and arrows, began to fish and hunt birds, clamming mollusks …”

“… Our ancestors thought of shoving a bone in a horse’s teeth and thus controlling it. After taming the horse and the discovery of iron, the Tripoli Ukrainians became powerful knight warriors with battle axes and chariots, as well as swords and helmets …”

“… The famous ruins of the temple in Stonehenge, hanging stones weighing 45 tons, belong to the people from the banks of the Dnieper, who arrived in the 16th century BC, through Normandy. Ukrainians brought to the British Isles writing, astronomical knowledge, bronze culture, trade exchange, and a peculiar way of burial …”

“… Our language comes from a more ancient society that lived in this territory, that is, Tripoli, and this magical beautiful Ukrainian language gave us the Almighty God, who created the heaven and earth … “


The book also chapters on Ukrainians and the celts, getts, Troy, the tatar, etc.

Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.4293929   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Disgusting Conflict of Interest: Theresa May’s Husband’s Investment Firm Made a “Financial Killing” from the Bombing of Syria


This article was first published by Evolve Politics, posted on GR in April 2018.


It is common knowledge that Theresa May’s husband Philip essentially acts as the unofficial advisor to the Prime Minister – a fact proven by the former Conservative MP for Chichester, Andrew Tyrie, who said during a Newsnight profile of the PM’s husband that “Philip is clearly acting as, informally, an advisor to Theresa. Probably much like Denis did to Margaret Thatcher.”


Whilst it is pretty obvious that almost all married couples act as informal advisors to each other in come capacity, Tyrie’s admission that the Prime Minister’s husband has such a great influence over his wife’s decisions is made all the more worrying by the fact that Mr May – who is a Senior Executive at a £1.4Tn investment firm – stands to benefit financially from the decisions his wife, the Prime Minister, makes.


The fact that Philip May is both a Senior Executive of a hugely powerful investment firm, and privy to reams of insider information from the Prime Minister – knowledge which, when it becomes public, hugely affects the share prices of the companies his firm invests in – makes Mr May’s official employment a staggering conflict of interest for the husband of a sitting Prime Minister.


However, aside from the ease at which he is able to glean insider information from his wife about potential decisions which could go on to make huge profits for his firm, there is a far darker conflict of interest that has so far gone undiscussed.


Philip May is a Senior Executive of Capital Group, an Investment Firm who buy shares in all sorts of companies across the globe – including thousands of shares in the world’s biggest Defence Firm, Lockheed Martin.


According to Investopedia, Philip May’s Capital Group owned around 7.09% of Lockheed Martin in March 2018 – a stake said to be worth more than £7Bn at this time. Whilst other sources say Capital Group’s shareholding of Lockheed Martin may actually be closer to 10%.

Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.4293967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3973

Defendants Charged With Multiple Counts Related to Interstate Prostitution and Sex Trafficking Enterprise

Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.4294015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4177 >>4388

Thirty-Six Defendants Guilty for Their Roles in International Thai Sex Trafficking Organization



Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.4294074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4177 >>4388

Gary Sinise Flew 1,000 Children of Fallen Soldiers to Disney World for Christmas


Actor Gary Sinise gave an amazing gift to Gold Star families for Christmas — a trip to Disney World for almost 1,700 family members of fallen soldiers.


“Each one of these children who are going on these airplanes have lost a parent in military services—either combat related or illness or unfortunately suicide sometimes,” The Gary Sinise Foundation founder said. “We wanna take care of these kids and make sure they know we don’t forget.”


The families took 15 planes and stayed at Disney for five days, The Epoch Times reports.

Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.4294095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4204

Russian Mapping Service Accidentally Reveals Locations Of Israeli and Turkish ‘Secret’ Military Facilities


Blurring of satellite images by Russian mapping service Yandex maps reveals ‘secret’ military facilities, Matt Korda a Research Associate for the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, discovered.


According to Korda, Google Earth also occasionally applies the blurring at the request of governments, who would wish to keep their facilities secret.


“France, for example, has asked Google to obscure all imagery of its prisons after a French gangster successfully conducted a Hollywood-inspired jailbreak involving drones, smoke bombs, and a stolen helicopter(!)—and Google has agreed to comply by the end of 2018.”


Yandex maps is Russia’s leading mapping service, and it evidently also agreed to selectively blur out specific sites; however, it has done that only for Israel and Turkey. The areas range from large complexes, like airfields and arms and munition warehouses, to small inconspicuous buildings in city blocks.


According to the report, blurring out specific sites is unusual, it is normal for satellite imagery companies to downgrade the resolution on certain sets of imagery before releasing them to platforms like Yandex and Google Earth. An example is given, of how downtown Toronto is always in very high resolution and viewers can make out very specific details, while downtown Jerusalem is always much, much blurrier.

Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.4294155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4388

President Trump: “I Don’t Think We Made a Payment to That Tabloid” – National Enquirer


President Trump sat down with Harris Faulkner in his first one-on-one interview since his former attorney was sentenced to three-years in prison earlier this week.


President Trump dashed the hopes of the liberal media and their partners in the deep state when he opened the discussion saying, “I don’t think we made a payment to that tabloid.”


The President was talking about reported payments to The National Enquirer to bury stories on Donald Trump affairs.


The media believes this will be the “crime” to take down the president. Legal experts say this IS NOT a crime.


Trump had a fiery interview with Harris Faulkner today.

Anonymous ID: 71fb6b Dec. 13, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.4294307   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WATCH: Korean Troops Peacefully Cross DMZ For First Time Ever


The media ignored history being made Wednesday after dozens of soldiers from North and South Korea peacefully crossed the demilitarized zone for the first time ever.


As reports, this marks "the first time troops have done so peacefully since the creation of the zone in 1948."


These operations were related to the past several months of moves to dismantle guard posts and other facilities along te DMZ borders. Wednesday's crossings were a formality, allowing one another's militaries to inspect the closures.


The closures along the DMZ are meant to greatly ease tensions along both sides of the border. This will allow the opening of road and rail links between the Koreas, and once a peace treaty is reached, the dismantling of the DMZ outright.