Anonymous ID: e27ec0 Lois Lerner and Clinton Foundation connections? Dec. 13, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.4293995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4021 >>4072 >>4120 >>4288

Was Lois Lerner put in place to cover for the CF?


Lois Lerner worked for the FEC for 20 years and made a move to the IRS Exempt Organizations, coincidentally, right around the time of the founding of the Clinton Foundation. During the hearings for the IRS Targeting scandal she was held in contempt by congress who wanted her arrested.

A USA named Ronald Machen sent a letter to congress saying she wouldn't be charged by the DOJ.

He left the DOJ and went to work for good ole WilmerHale whose partner at the time was none other than Bob Mueller.

The swamp runs deep!…I think this connection is something worth the anons time to dig a little deeper on.