Anonymous ID: f00424 Dec. 13, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.4293887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4186 >>4226


I'm still picking my jaw up off the floor after Charles Ortel stated just yesterday that he's been in contact with one of the whistleblowers DAILY.


The last two, Moynihan and Doyle, are the ones I want to zero in on.


Moynihan's bio blew my mind.


"JFM and Associates LLC is a firm dedicated to the pursuit of Global Compliance.


The company was started by John Moynihan, formerly a founding partner in the Multinational consulting firm BERG Associates LLC. In collaboration with Mr. Moynihan, the associates are former; United States Attorneys, executive Wall St trading manager, executives and agents from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, analyst from the Central Intelligence Agency, superintendant from a State Police agency, Immigration attorneys, and others.


JFM continues to work globally with cases in the U.S.A., Europe, Central and South America, Africa, Middle East and Asia.


JFM is regularly contacted by law firms, Wall Street companies, Duty Free operators, multinational manufacturers, Universities, finance companies and a host of other industries to address complex issues involving anti money laundering efforts, compliance, 501C3 compliance, Bank Secrecy Act, Patriot Act, O.F.A.C., Customs violations, fraud, Immigration, diversion, counterfeit, due diligence and training."


Biggest slam-dunk target for prosecutors are going to be IRS and charity fraud violations. Those assholes don't have a leg to stand on. Massive, MASSIVE potential jail time, back taxes, fines, penalties and interest. A good prosecutor could ruin the SHIT out of these people. I'm talking living in a van down by the river in Arkansas ruined.


And once you got 'em on those charges, you can roll on the pervier stuff once they're locked up.




Prosecutor absolutely can go after all their donors– they better be ready to have all their tax returns re-done for every year they donated, because they're going to lose those juicy tax deductions AND have to cough up penalties and interest.


We can seize their damn assets. The very thought of that is better than porn for me.


I'm really fired up.