try harder you stupid fucks
it's incredible you have to rationalize that much
To the 'JFK is elvis' faggots, you're fucking stupid and need to go back.
To the FEfaggots, you're fucking stupid and need to go back.
You got btfo'd, go start your own fucking board for your stupid fucking shit and stop shitting up /qresearch/
Your stupidity is absolutely repulsive, and it's about time Q btfo'd your fucking nonsense.
Fucking kill yourselves.
> To the FEfaggots, you're fucking stupid and need to go back.
go fuck yourself you fucking dumbass
go to your own board shillfaggot: >>>/rresearch/
you faggots have been spamming and shilling our board for months, you get btfo'd by Q, and you're still here
again, I genuinely hope you kill yourself
that was yesterday retard
do you read the bread before posting?
or do you just post and look at your own post to see who replies?
exactly, I wonder if dec 5 wasn't postponed, if huber would've shown up then too
his investigation is STILL ongoing