What is this nonsense about testimony about Trump now as well?
Fitton is a great asset, but if you follow him you already know what he's got for the most part so I doubt we'll learn anything new.
I'll wait till it's over but it's not looking good right now. I was so pumped for this.
Yup, he doesn't even need to hear from anybody so I guess we don't either! He seems like an honest, non-partisan guy…. Hope he gets herpes.
yeah, I just paused it and will fast forward soon.
lol, yeah she does.
looks like he's eating his last meal before he goes jihadi on this thing.
So GHWB derails this thing last week and now Mr. Horton from the IRS has a family death preventing him from coming this week. WTF are the odds of that?
Anyone know Mr/ Horton's first name?