Anonymous ID: 88205c Dec. 13, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.4296706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6754 >>6768 >>6770

At some point something of substance has to fucking happen. I mean Jesus Christ pictures of fucking stockings. No Huber? I know doj won't allow it. Fox news won't allow it. no shit they won't allow it. that's the point of draining the fucking swamp. Who gives a fuck. There's always an excuse. They stole fucking elections in real time. The results stand. It'll help us down the road. Wtf is that? Were going to go into January and the dems take the house and somehow that's good? That's fucking retarded. I know I know fisa brings down the house. My big fat ass it does. We can't even get shit declassed. How much u Wana bet there will be some excuse. Somehow suddenly it'll be trust Pelosi or some stupid shit. April showers bring may flowers yay mass arrests are coming may - June 2019 just be patient.

This is going to turn into a vote for Trump in 2020 if u want justice campaign or some stupid shit. Fuck all the stupid ass crumbs that no one cares about but us. What we have gotten so far is this: We can't drain the swamp because they won't let us. Even though we supposedly have it all and all this other nonsense we can't drain the swamp because they won't go along with it. As if fox news and Tom fitton are going to change the fucking world. 2018 will end with nothing and well get Q saying plans change. Moves and counter moves…. Well played deep state. Give me a fucking break. We can hear you breathing but had no idea that funeral was going to happen on Dec. 5. That makes sense. We can hear you breathing but had no clue 41 was stuffed in a basement freezer for 3 weeks. Is the world waking up? Sure and obviously that's a good thing. But this is bullshit. This is excuse making. No pain. No justice. Nothing. This is dangling the fucking carrot and I'm fucking sick of it. I didn't need Q to know any of this shit was going on. I follow Q because of the promise of Justice and the good guys actually winning for once. The next time something "big" is supposed to happen there will be some lame ass excuse for why it didn't. Jesus Christ people are mad about JFK jr being dead. Are you fucking retarded? It's been 20 fucking years. Don't be upset about declas or stolen elections in real time nope…JFK jr not being Q just wrecked your world. Yep that and flat earth. Cuz somehow the shape of the planet makes a fucking difference. I'm good with no arrests because Q is going to prove the earth is actually a giant dinner plate. This movie blows.

It's a David Lynch movie. Throw up a bunch of nonsense at the screen and let the fan boys write your screenplay for you.