Anonymous ID: b2e03a Dec. 13, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.4296132   🗄️.is 🔗kun



you're a fucking joke…


How Nancy Pelosi Masterfully Dismantled Trump

Do not mansplain to the former — and likely future — speaker of the House.


Did you catch Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) in action Tuesday? The California congresswoman is known to be a masterful negotiator, and she was in her full glory at an Oval Office meeting with President Donald Trump, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Vice President Mike Pence.


At the outset, she set Trump back on his heels by naming the possible government shutdown “the Trump shutdown,” and sending him into a kind of tailspin. (“Did you say Trump?” he asked incredulously.)


Trump tried every sexist tactic in the book in an attempt to diminish the 78-year-old Pelosi: He repeatedly interrupted her, tried to mansplain to Pelosi ― who is the former, and likely future, speaker of the House ― how Congress works, and even talked about her in the third person as if she weren’t there.


I think she gets that he is a terrible negotiator.

Deborah Kolb, author of Negotiating at Work: Turn Small Wins Into Big Gains


>>The California congresswoman is known to be a masterful negotiator, and she was in her full glory at an Oval Office


>>I think she gets that he is a terrible negotiator.


Later, to her colleagues, Pelosi reportedly revealed a bit of her strategy. Essentially, she challenged Trump on one of his biggest insecurities ― his masculinity.


“I was trying to be the mom,” Pelosi said, according to Politico, but “it goes to show you: You get into a tinkle contest with a skunk, you get tinkle all over you


what a fucking crackhead stupid ass bitch. even the author who wrote this garbage is a fucking slime weasel piece of shit too