didn't register a FARA…
the foundation pursued an array of activities at home and abroad - profit oriented and taxable undertakings of private enterprise
Not a charitable foundation - Clearly demonstrates that CF is a closely held family partnership
advancing personal interests
donors subject to taxes code IRC-4945
IRS code 72719582
EU based country and African based country signed MOU for cash flow
IRS only gave approval for library
why are you negotiating health related contracts?
Hi Charles - like your book.
Joh Solomon on his own initiative gavcoughethThedocs
that's not what you asked me
1300 pages via Meadows office
Doyle and Moynihan are reticent to provide doc.s
I don't get it
Doyle - emphatic that both sides should have the same material
Those materials were supplied by john Solomon
We wanted to understand the playing field with the IRS
cough - wut? confuzionz
Meadows - we want to make sure it's a level playing field
Ross - what is the average donations that go to the beneficiaries
Doyle - a lot of the ones we work on are the ones that have problems
no more than 15% was administrative - one would hope
Ross - Clinton's
Doyle - 40% average went to programs
our analysis takes this foundation from 2005 to 2015, we break it down dolla by dolla
22 mil dollars not approved
Ross - pay to play?
Doyle part and parcel there were intsances of that
JJ - Closely held family partnership and NOT A CHARITY?
Doyle - yes.
Public charities don't make grants.
Private foundations are different.
Those fndshuns - issue grants - a lot of times they go to a public charity - but CF bcame a hybrid
modeling the Global Fund in Geneva Switzerland
Giveth your opinions
Do you believe there is probable cause of wrongdoing
Meadows - my patience is running thin
provide expert testimony of what you found
you need to cut to the chase
talk amongst yourselves - talk to ya lawyas and come back