Anonymous ID: 9b0d06 Dec. 13, 2018, 1:12 p.m. No.4297309   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moynihan is having to tell this retarded bitch what the law is.

Most ignorant nigger I have ever SEEN

cough cough cough


Somebody put Mammy out of her misery

Anonymous ID: 9b0d06 Dec. 13, 2018, 1:13 p.m. No.4297324   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This dumb old pickaninny is hacking her way through a list of questions that somebody else wrote for her


Moynihan is eating her lunch.

Anonymous ID: 9b0d06 Dec. 13, 2018, 1:17 p.m. No.4297403   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Imma have to find a wine merchant that delivers around here




Fucking love Boyle and Moynihan

I want hockey jerseys with those names on them


Dumb old bat is saying she doesn't have everything

Everyone else in the room: YES YOU DO, YOU DUMBASS, JUST READ IT

I swear to God, they're so stupid.

That old bitch needs to be in a nursing home on oxygen, not in Washington DC

Anonymous ID: 9b0d06 Dec. 13, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.4297458   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moynihan and Boyle for Anons of the Day

Fuckin' killing it

Magnificent bastards!!!


Man, I wanna take these dudes out for the most expensive dinners in DC tonight