Anonymous ID: a52d11 Dec. 13, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.4298401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8417 >>8929

Another French general bemoans Macron. Frustratingly, nothing is being done about it.


France desperately seeks president


December 13, 2018


France does not have a president. She is under the tutelage of a character with an oversized ego who no doubt dreamed himself at the head of a powerful state capable of giving him the means to drag the planet into his Jupiterian megalomania. France is too small, too narrow, too selfish, too blunt, not really worthy of him. France is not his priority concern. He needs the big spaces, Europe at a minimum, better the planet. He wants to shape humanity and even the climate, and if for that he must betray the nation that elected him, too bad; it's for a good cause.


Outside the economic sphere, in all his fibers he is a man of the left. Reality has no hold on him. In the name of human rights he despises the rights of the citizen. In the name of Europe he despises the nation, in the name of universal fraternity he despises the French. He has a behavior similar to that of the Catholic Church and its current leader, so attentive to others that she forgets his own, even to play the game of Islam, the worst predator she has faced in human history.


How can he be moved by the profanation of the tomb of the Unknown Soldier when he himself has publicly accused his own country of barbarity and crime against humanity and is despising her story? The example comes from above.


With him it's open doors to African and Muslim immigration. The same day, at the turn of a sentence of his intervention "mea culpa" addressed to the Yellow Vests, he admits that we will have to talk about immigration, he sends a secretary of state in Marrakech to sign the disastrous UN pact designated as the "Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration", the title of which alone is an admission. No debate in the National Assembly on this occasion, while a few days ago was seriously discussed the opportunity to outlaw spanking. We are told that this agreement is non-binding. This is wrong, of course. When we know the enthusiasm with which we apply, sometimes emphatically, all the directives coming from elsewhere, there is everything to be afraid of. An agreement is always binding otherwise what would it be used for? What must be considered first is the national interest, which is forgotten once more. This 41-page agreement is a mess, discouraging reading, of innumerable commitments made by the signatories, the least of which is not the one on information. It states that the signatories undertake to "promote independent, objective and quality information, including on the Internet, in particular by sensitizing media professionals to migration issues and related terminology, by establishing ethical standards for journalism and publicity and ceasing to allocate public funds or material support to the media, which systematically propagates intolerance, xenophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination against migrants, in full respect of freedom of press ". The last words, "in full respect of the freedom of the press" (admire the pirouette!) do not reassure on the meaning that must be given to the above, and which is in line with the presidential temptations to legislate on the "fake news", thus making freedom of expression even more difficult in our country since the Perben, Gayssot and Pleven laws.


Delirium is everywhere.


The French are inflicted heavy taxes in an insane plan to save the planet while none of the biggest polluters in the world have the least carbon tax. Macron, which denies the existence of a French culture, has just presided over summit in Erevan on a Francophonie whose center of gravity he locates in Gabon and which designates a Rwandan English-speaking female as president.


Dear Santa Claus, please, bring us a French president; a French clone of Trump, Putin, Orban, Salvini for example.


General Roland DUBOIS